In this post, you will learn about the historical events and processes that led to the confrontation of cultures in different regions of the world, such as the Americas, Africa, Asia, and Europe. You will also explore how these encounters influenced the development of trade, religion, art, science, and politics in the modern era. This […] More
This post is the precise notes of class 11 History chapter 8 notes. Confrontation Of Cultures Part-1 by Vibha Maam Europeans and Americans between 15th to 17th centuries In the 15th century, the Spanish and the Portuguese came to find trading routes of spices and silver. Christopher Columbus (An Italian) sailed west in 1492 and […] More
Checkout handpicked notes of NCERT class 11th History Chapter 11 Topic Story of Korea from Paths of Modernization chapter part 3 notes by Vibha Madam, and share it with your friends and classmates. Story of Korea Notes Beginning of Modernisation Korea was ruled by Joseon dynasty (1392-1910) during the late 19th century, Korea […] More
Vijayanagara an Imperial Capital Part 2 notes by Vibha Maam The Capital and its Environs 1) Water Resources There is a natural basin formed by the river Tungabhadra. Vijayanagar is surrounded by granite hills. A number of streams flow down to the river from these hills. Due to an arid […] More
This post is the precise notes of NCERT class 9th history chapter 5 Notes by Vibha Maam. Pastoralists in the Modern World Pastoral Nomads and their movements Nomadic people move from one area to another with their cattles in search of pasture and living in the mountains. Gujjar Bakarwal […] More
This post is the precise notes of NCERT class 11 history chapter 10 Notes by Vibha Maam. Displacing Indigenous peoples From the 18th century, immigrants from Europe settled in more areas of South America, Central America, North America, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. This led to many of the native peoples […] More
This post is the precise notes of NCERT class 11 history chapter 9 Notes by Vibha Maam. The Industrial Revolution First industrial revolution occurred in Britain between 1780 and 1850s.The phase of industrial development in Britain is strongly associated with the new machinery and technologies. Steam was used to begin on a wide […] More
This post is the precise notes of NCERT class 11 chapter 6 part 2. The Three Orders Part 2 notes by Vibha Maam England England is a variant of ‘Angel-land’. The Duke of Normandy, William defeated the Saxon king of England in the 11th century. In the 6th century, Angels and Saxons were part of […] More
This post is the precise notes of NCERT class 11 chapter 6 Part 1 Notes by Vibha Maam. The Three Orders Socio-economic and political changes between 9 to 16th century in Western Europe Many groups of Germanic people occupied regions of Italy, Spain and France after the fall of the Roman Empire. […] More
This post is the precise notes of class 10 Geography chapter 3 notes Water Resources notes by Vibha Maam The three-fourth of the earth’s surface is covered with water but the proportion of freshwater is very small. Fresh water is mainly obtained from the surface runoff and groundwater. It is continuously being renewed and recharged […] More
This post is the precise notes second part of class 11 NCERT chapter 4 history notes (The Central Islamic Lands). The Crusades Christians had their own scripture that’s why they were regarded as the people of the book. In 638, Jerusalem was conquered by Arabs, but still it was a holy place for Christians as […] More
This post is a precise notes for chapter 4 The Central Islamic Lands of class 11th CBSE by Vibha Maam. So, read, bookmark it and share with your friends. Faith, Community and Politics Mohammad was an Arab and by profession, he was a merchant. Around 612 Mohammad declared himself as the “Messenger of God (Rasul)”. […] More