Benefits of Online Education
As we all know that the pandemic has been spread all over the world. It seemed that everything would stop and we had stood for a while. After that somehow everything goes on slowly. Everything, even life also seemed stagnant. Everyone locked in their homes. But some time later, everything has been moving on the way.
Then an option clicks in the mind which gives the opportunity to work from home . This idea has been applied in every sector .It makes life easier and tension free. About social , cultural, economic , political , internet services play a prominent role to make close contact with their friends , relatives, colleagues .

If we talk about education, it was far from the children due to communicable disease (Corona) but thanks to online services like Google apps and smooth internet services which provide the hassle free to way to communicate with students as well as parents .Future is being digital, so online is must be compulsory for all. The year 2020 can be seen as a “Curse” as well as a “Boon“.
It provides a new way to study online. If it would not happen then we couldn’t imagine the use of this new technique in study. Online study is easy and reach to all students individually .During the online lectures, parents can involve with their children and gain knowledge and also help to understand the concept to their child. Students can record, repeat and pause the lectures as our convenience .

Diagrams can be explained easily and in a smooth way .It is a good medium for distance learning in remote areas where schools, colleges and transport facilities are not available. Time is not a barrier for education. Students and teachers can manage their lectures according to their convenience and possibilities . In online classes, students can take their lectures and ask their doubts and queries without any hesitation .
In physical classes shy students hesitate to ask their queries and share their opinion with teachers and classmates face to face but online class students are free from any type of pressure and bully. The other benefits of online class sick students and at long leave students won’t miss any lecture . Their study won’t be interrupted.
They can enhance their holistic development during online study. They are gaining knowledge as well as they also learn about technical knowledge. They move to globalization. They can be familiar with software applications. Students can be optimistic. Online class is also favourable for teachers as well. They continue their lectures during their leave and out of station. Teachers can also manage their classes and syllabus through online class.

Epic strategy of naughty kids who make excuses like stomachache, fever etc. now not gonna work anymore.
Improvement required
- Firstly we have to convince the parents. They don’t know about internet services and online classes .
- The parents are not familiar with the UI and full functionality of these apps .
- They don’t get the benefit of online class because of the lack of awareness so awareness programs should be run.
- Parents should check the phone of their ward regularly to know what is going on and what they are doing with their phone .
- There should be a time- table and a scheduled plan for lectures that parents let know the time of a study or lectures.
- Internet services should be improved.
- During online study, Students’ mood can be swung to entertainment, their mind can be diverted to games and abused videos. So parents are suggested to check their ward’s work during study and after study phone should be kept under their custody.
These are the some major benefits of online education we thought we should write on this.
Written by Vibha
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Truly appreciable
Bitter but truth 💯
Nice and truthful
Great mam
Awesome mam
Realy appreciable!
thankyou all🙏
This blog may change the mind of anyone who have any guilt about online services.
thankyou all
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Awesome 😊
gigantic opportunity for all